Monday, August 31, 2009

The photos that are for my topic "About Every Guy I liked

"1" Yamapi

"2" Lee Junki

"3" Shige

"4" Kusano

"5" Nickhun

"6" G&M

"7" Dong Hae

"8" Lee Teok
for Tego and Aibs I couldn't upload their photos
and Nickhun Video was too big so! you can watch it on Youtube under Nickhun crying over the children in Starking Show

Sunday, August 30, 2009

about every guy I liked~

The photos are up there^ I couldn't upload them on the same page

Interesting topic hah? hahah...Well I had the thoughts of writing about my ideal guy; but I just couldn't figure out what should I talk about? and these days I'm slowly discovering my real personality..and I have concluded that there are aint no guy gonna put up with me!! I mean ..I'm just being truthful! don't go too far with your imagination, I'm muslim and I don't go out and we muslims do not have any realationships before marriage which is the right way to live a clean life far away from committing sins. However, from my behavior at home I can predict what kind of wife I'll be in the future? with my so many flaws..I ride my plane and fly to another planet. The planet of my ideal future husband(s). Since I'm a big fan of Asian dramas, especially Korean and
Japanese ones, my ideal future husband is going to be one of these handsome actors and singers

Pic 1 => the first photo is for Yamapi and he's a Japanese actor and singer and a group member of News. He was my first crush, even though he was not my first Japanese actor I've ever seen. Actually my first Japanese drama was Boys over flowers_the Japanese version_. Yamapi could be my ideal husband because he's handsome, and he's really a hard worker, he always put all of his effort to succeed in any work wich really amaze me! and his lovely realationship with his Mom and how he tries to make her live happily, PLUS he has suffered from the absense of his father wich makes me feel related to him since I have the same problem ^-^

Pic2=> I didn't abandoned Yamapi :D BUT I just fell in love with another actor, and guyzzzzzz !! this is real cuz I really wished that I would have a husband who's like him in certain ways..He's the Korean actor and singer Lee Junki ! WHO DOESN'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM


First time I saw this guy was in the Korean drama My Girl

He wasn't that hot when I first saw him, but later with more photos of him on the Internet I SIMPLY COULDN'T BARE THAT HANDSOMENESS !!!!!!

With more reading about him, I found out that he's just so down to earth and he's kind-hearted and I even saw his photos of his trip with little can see from the way he holds them that he's so kind-hearted. that photo of him holding the orphan is what made me like him even more. So,my husband must be kind and good-hearted just like Junki. In an interview with him that I've seen on Youtube, he was asked what his wish for New Year of 2009 would be? " I drink alot when I'm alone, and I wish that I quit drinking this's just that I drink alot when I'm off-work, but when I'm acting I don't drink brcause I'm too busy to be SAD!"he answered. You can check what he litterally said on YouTube. That confession was so tauchie that I liked him even more. In Islam there's no drinking. If you drink then you have to redeem yourself by simply quitting alcohole and praying to Allah to forgive you. In Islam drinking is a sin because it flips the mind and the drunk person may commit a crime while not sensing anything which will lead to corruption. BUT I have this simpathy towards him and it's coming from Islam principles which asks us to be simpathatic towards people even if they commit sins and never abandon them so they wouldn't commit even bigger sins. This is why I'm having this positive attitude towards people in all kinds

Pic3=> From News I also liked Shige alooooooot, especially the moment Koyama talked about his trip with him to the U.S and how he was such a good friend and all that. I laughed sooo much when he mentioned their awkward story at their suite in the hotel, where they had to sleep in one bed, putting a big pillo in the middle between them !!! Oh Allah ! that was hillarious....I also couldn't stop thinking about him when he and his group members went out to drink and then he started to cry..saying that he loves them so much! boy~ that was so adorable =>>>why do I always have stories about drunk men !!!!! hahaha
pic4=>> Speaking of drunk men, this forth guy over here is a member of Arashii, a Japanese band, his name is Aiba..and he's just hillarious..just love to hear his funny stories!! even though I have this sense that he's not that cute at home..I don't know why..maybe coz he acts serious sometimes. Like your future husband is going to be funny 24/7 ?!DON'T KNOW WHY I'M
Aiba, Oh Aiba..I really liked your funny stories and how you manage your embarrasing situations! like that funny story of you being slapped on the face by a stranger at the subway-train !! and agian going back to the drinking thing..he had the same story of Shige from News, he went out with his group members to drink and he gotten so drunk that he started to cry saying that he's thankful to Tokyo having brought all the members from different cities together into one band. So, I found that adorable too ^_^
pic 5=>> Tegoshi from News, the cuttest guy ever, that was before knowing two other even cutter guys i'll mention them next, he's just so adorable. I have to admit that I've mistaken him with a girl in his drama My hero My boss
and that was my first time meeting him. Youtube is such a dear friend! I have been able to get to know about all of them only through YT. The moment I liked him was when he spoke openly about his opinion about the members of his group and he was just so spontaneous in his interviews..the moment where he told Rio that he's happy that Rio's attitude has gotten softer with him and he mentioned one particular incident.. I was just blewn away! I like guys who are just spontaneous and outgoing. That's what I'd like to see also in my future husband
pic6 =>> Kusano Hironory ! Simply loved him from the moment on his famous cut: where he was asked to repeat a sentence with awkward vioce..he's such a cuttie !!! Even my MOM who critisize me alot about my hobbies, admitted that he's sooooooooooo adorable on that cut! I even saw her staring at him..just amazed! BUT I feel sorry for him for being kicked out of News and I truly wish we could see him agian on the screen coz he's soooo talented at dancing. But again, it was the drinking issue that got him into trouble. For the ones who are interested in watching his can check them out on YouTube.
pic7=>> this guy I should've left him for the end since he's my RECENT ideal husband, but CAN'T WAIT TO TELL YOU ABOUT HIM . He's the cuttest of the cuttest of the cuttest ...ect. that I've ever fell in love with. He's Nickhun from 2pm the Korean band.Though he's half Thai half Chinese, he learned Korean and was discovered at LA while the korean song Festivle. His baby-face cutness is what captures every girl sees him, but what captured me was
when I saw him on Starking Show bursting into tears and just lost control over himself at the scene of a gifted band made of blind was really nerve-breaking..but it's him and his tenderness that I wish I would find in my future husband..I've downloaded a video from YouTube that contains the part where he loses control over himself. Although he's only 21 you feel like you're watching a 25 or 28 year old guy! it's amazing how he's that mature
pic8=>> before Nickhun there were a few ideal guys that I liked..among them Golf and Mike , the Thai brothers, they are singers and they are just soooo awsome!! I was confused between them at the beginning but later I was able to differentiate..and I did..alot~ I like Mike alot from the moment I saw him crying in an interview, you can also check that on YouTube under Golf&Mike crying. The cut is not subbed unfortunately, but I have checked Google and the reason why they were crying is that because the presenter asked them about thei childhood, and they didn't have a normal one coz they were forced to leave their friends and their school to work in the music industery. Mike is the one who cried, golf was conforting him at the beginning but soon he joined his brother and they both lost control on themselves. I don't like eo see someone cry..I even couldn't stop crying with them..but it's just that in life you meet so many fake people that you just wish to see someone wh's true and have deep emotions inside. This way life is more safe to me. That's how I'd like to imagine my future husband. Being sensetive, but not overly sensetive
pic9 =>> Dong Hae from the Korean band Super Junior. I think it you watched their Super Adonis Reality show on youtube, especially when Dong Hae was so close to one of the orphans. The part where he said that he dream of being married and having kids even though he was only 21 is just a catching part to me. When I little, I had a similar experience just like that young orphan had with Don Hae; that's why may be I find myself more leaning onto guys from that type.
pic10=>> Recently and because of Starking Show, I've been liking this guy soooo much. He's Lee Teok from Super Junoir. He's just the type of funny guys. Not all funny people are funny. This guys is naturally funny but not overwhelmingly funny. He's handsome to the point where I find myself starring at his face on the screen to make sure hasn't he done any PS ?? He remind of an old friend that I had in highschool..he even lookes like her a bit..they have similar funny reactions towards things. I like about him that he's a hard worker at the same time and it's obvious since he's the leader of the group
Lastly, the flight over where my IN-YOUR-DREAM ideal husbands is just a long one that I apologize for not being able to make it to the reality show ^_^ after seeing those guys who would ever wanna come back!!! So I'd only hope that Ive made my mind clear about my type of guy to be my future husband..just to share that with you so you may find something helpful about your wished and dreams about your future partner, and hope that you enjoyed reading it
Salam= means peace

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Obsession

Ever since I was a little girl, I had a crush towards foreign languages. English was the first language that cought my attention. Public schools at that time didn't offer English classes for the students. Private schools did, but there were few students who were interested in learning another language. I was among those who liked to learn English. I remember that moment where I just started to glow in English, and that probably what made me popular at English classes- it was when I found a musical movie for kids in English. I remember that song, my first English song, in that musical cartoon video the girl was playing the piano and her lovely brown cat was dancing around on " You & me tog~ther we'll be..fore~ver you'll see..We two~ can be good company..You & me". Soon I've memorized that song, I went to my teacher and told her that I can sing an English song. She was surprised I guess but however..right when I sang in front of the whole class, I saw the proud look on her eyes~ It was my peak moment. After that my English teacher introduced my skills in singing in English to the whole school..and boy~ at least there was something I'm good at !! I was just 10 years or so at that time. From there and then, I knew that my future is going to be built up on that. At high school, I forgot about it and just focused on my wish to get to the Business College at King Saud University _ KSU- not really knowing that I'll be studying English Literature at the same universirty. It's amazing how my life one way or the other revolves about English and about learning languages. Now that I'm at an O.K level in English..I plan to improve my skills a bit more so I master it perfectly, then I'll move on to another language. My obsession about learning othere languages I think comes from
me wanting to communicate with the world. Like I need the world to hear me . Being able to speak more than two languages is just great, and it's even greater when you take advantage of that talent in a good way. Now that I have already fallin in love with Asian dramas, I feel that it's
going to be easy in sha Allah to learn Japanese or chinese someday. To leave you with a good spirit about my topic: do you think that it's good for the mind to learn more than two languages? is it going to be helpful for the learner in his life? since these are my two unanswered questions after an exciting discussion that I had yesterday with my uncle..who speaks three languages but at the same time argue that it is not always good for the mind's health,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

About love

IT's what make it all's what add the flavor to it..It's LOVE. Yesterday was a usual Ramadan day..My mom was making our Iftar _the meal muslims have after fasting_ and I helped preparing the table..My two nieces were playing around trying to miss it all up which makes me really angry but...HEY! it's Ramadan. Even though it was a usual day, I've noticed that it was among those days where you just appreciate love more than anytime before. Having having what made my yesterday extraordinary! The story is that our relatives came to pay us a visit after the Iftar...It was actaully my sick sister who's been the reason behind their visit. Nothing fancy..just drunk our Arabic coffee and had some cake..but it all started right after our guests were leaving. We wanted to have dinner I called my uncle who was going out anyway to buy us some dinner..and my mom asked me to pay for it, so I did. Our guests then apologized saying that it's already a pleasure to see each other and that we don't have to order they left while my uncle was coming home with the dinner..the dinner that costed me a fortune!! I felt really down coz it was alot and there are not enough people to eat that all up hehehehe ! Now that I'm typing it down..I remember my uncle's reaction: He was seriosly sorry for my wasted money..I was depressed enough to beg him joining us to the table hahaha ! He just gave me that lovely look..and sat down on the chair saying that "you're doing us a favor by gathering us on this table"

and so I couldn't feel sorry for all that. I just felt love. After that, my family were histerical, we just couldn't stop laughing over the silliest stuff. It's only this Ramadan which brought us all together. Late that night, where everyone's gone to sleep..I kept watching Korea TV till this morning, and there was Starking Show on the same channel_comic show_ where they bring celebrities and gifted people to eventaully choose who's the most creative contastant. During the show, the Korean band "Super Jonior" seemed to be more like brothers than co-workers. It's the body language between them that show you how much they feel like they are one unit as brothers more than as co-workers! it's amazing how love can relate people together. So, at the end I'd like to remind myself of everything Allah have been giving me..Love is among the greatest's what make me feel


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Here we are fasting Ramadan in 2009 ..hope all muslims fast well and that their work will be accepted by Allah. Ramadan is a sacred month, in wich all muslims must fast. The fasting starts right before sunrise and ENDS at sunset. In other words: muslims fast in Ramadan the whole day. At night there is of course no fasting :) Fasting one month a year is an important condition to be a muslim.Fasting_no eating no drinking for a whole day_ is proved to be having great effects on the body, beside this: fasting in the religion of Islam implies alot of soul treatment. Spirituality is among the wonderful results of fasting. When muslims fast, they gather with their families on the table after fasting. They make sure to do good things to people as much as they can so Allah would be even more pleased. They donate food and goodies to poor people. From my perspective as a young muslim girl: I feel really calm at's like a month of soul training. In other words, after Ramadan I believe that it's really important to help poor people especially with food. When I can't eat nor drink I can truly feel how poor people would suffer from hunger , like what happens in Africa and other poor areas in the world
After experiencing what is it like to be poor with absolutely nothing to eat..all muslims then have a chrity celebration wich they call "Eid" in wich they must donate a certain amount of their money to buy rice and sugar and other stuff to give it away. The amount is not that much but it can have a great impact on poor people; if a muslim have 10 thousand dollars in his credit card; then the amount of the give away money would be 2000 dollar only. At Eid, everyone is happy. All rich and all poor...coz they are all brothers and sisters under Islam
This is a short video of muslims from all around the world breaking their fast together in the holy Kaaba(The Holy Mosque) and the backround is the Azan which is The Call for the prayer after breaking the fast
