Here we are fasting Ramadan in 2009 ..hope all muslims fast well and that their work will be accepted by Allah. Ramadan is a sacred month, in wich all muslims must fast. The fasting starts right before sunrise and ENDS at sunset. In other words: muslims fast in Ramadan the whole day. At night there is of course no fasting :) Fasting one month a year is an important condition to be a muslim.Fasting_no eating no drinking for a whole day_ is proved to be having great effects on the body, beside this: fasting in the religion of Islam implies alot of soul treatment. Spirituality is among the wonderful results of fasting. When muslims fast, they gather with their families on the table after fasting. They make sure to do good things to people as much as they can so Allah would be even more pleased. They donate food and goodies to poor people. From my perspective as a young muslim girl: I feel really calm at's like a month of soul training. In other words, after Ramadan I believe that it's really important to help poor people especially with food. When I can't eat nor drink I can truly feel how poor people would suffer from hunger , like what happens in Africa and other poor areas in the world
After experiencing what is it like to be poor with absolutely nothing to eat..all muslims then have a chrity celebration wich they call "Eid" in wich they must donate a certain amount of their money to buy rice and sugar and other stuff to give it away. The amount is not that much but it can have a great impact on poor people; if a muslim have 10 thousand dollars in his credit card; then the amount of the give away money would be 2000 dollar only. At Eid, everyone is happy. All rich and all poor...coz they are all brothers and sisters under Islam
This is a short video of muslims from all around the world breaking their fast together in the holy Kaaba(The Holy Mosque) and the backround is the Azan which is The Call for the prayer after breaking the fast
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